Thursday, January 14, 2010

Strength from the Past...

I meant to add this sooner as to keep with my goal of updating daily, but right now it seems to be a weekly update.  I guess that's why it's called a "goal" though, so that way you can work up to it!  On to the point...

This past fall I randomly came across a drawing from the past.  I had almost forgotten about "her", until the corner of the paper gently peeked out from amidst a pile of sketches & scrap paper.  I tugged on the corner and out came "Strength".  A simple line drawing that I had very appropriately, though not at the time realizing, titled "Strength" laid before me... 

It brought a smile to my face remembering how much I had loved this character could I have forgotten I wondered?  That didn't matter now as I immediately knew she would serve to be the inspiration for an entirely new world that I would begin creating.  Every creature, or "creepation" as I fondly refer to them as, stem from her.  Almost as if each of these creepations are one of her children & I am simply the hand bringing them into this world for her.  The world that I began to imagine is based on two main principles: symbiotic relationships & things are not always as they seem.  I wrote an entire base storyline for this world which I may post at a later date.  Right now, I just wanted to get the main points across.  Simply put, the malevolent looking are actually quite benevolent beings.

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