Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chubs, not Grubs!!!

I very much enjoyed the time constraint, and decided to do a set of timed pieces that focused on a new creepation that I had envisioned: Chubs, or Chublings for the babies, I call them.  I absolutely love these guys and was excited to watch as they came to life through paint & brush...
Time: 1hr, "Sliding Along", 2009, 7"x 3" 

Time: 1 hr 30 mins, "Napping Devil Chub", 2009, 5 7/8"x 3 5/8"

Time: 2 hrs 15 mins, "Chublings", 2009, 5 7/8"x 3 1/2"

Time: 2hrs 10 mins , "Chub O' War", 2009, 9"x1 7/8"

Time: 2 hrs 10 mins, "Pile O' Chublings", 2009, 4 3/8"x3 3/8"

Time: 2 hrs 10 mins, "Playtime with Skellieflies", 2009, 3 7/8"x4 3/8"  
  Time: 1 hr, Graphite on Moleskine Paper, 2009, 8 3/16"x5 1/8" 
Inspired by my, "Pile O' Chublings"

A Lesson in Restraint...Breaking Old Habits

After completing the piece, "Helping Out a Friend," I tallied up how many hours I had spent on painting, not including the set-up & initial prep.  I believe it was somewhere around the 23+ hour mark.  Now, for a 4"x6" painting that is an awfully long time I thought to myself.

I know that I tend to spend too much time on things, tweaking small bits here & there, rather than just going with my first instinct.  I needed to find a way to trust my true instincts and not over-think every brush stroke that I laid down.  Giving myself a strict time constraint was the first first lesson I decided to try.

Each of the following pieces were done with the time constraint of 1 hour total.  This hour time limit didn't include the initial set-up, but rather the actual work done on the piece itself.  All of these pieces were inspired by this new world that I was seeing take form in my mind.  They are rough, but I still feel they are "complete" in their own right.   

Mixed Media & Acrylic on Illustration Board, 2009, 6"x4"

Acrylic on Illustration Board, 2009, 5"x10"

Acrylic on Illustration Board, 2009, 6"x4"

Acrylic on Illustration Board, 2009, 4"x6"

Acrylic on Illustration Board, 2009, 4"x3" 

Note: Unfinished, Acrylic on Illustration Board, 2009, 4 1/2"x9"

Acrylic & Ink on Illustration Board, 2009, 10"x2 1/2"

Acrylic on Illustration Board, 2009,  3"x9"

First Glimpse

The world that was inspired by my initial drawing "Strength," started shaping itself more firmly in my mind.  I wanted to try and paint what I was seeing in my head.  This world where things appear dark & dismal, but in truth are vibrant & full of hope.  A world in which things aren't always as they appear.  This piece was an attempt to capture a glimpse into that world...
"Helping Out a Friend", 2009, Acrylic on Illustration Board, 4" x 6" 

Just for reference & for fun, here is the initial sketch/comp for this painting.  As you can see a few tweaks were made here and there during the transition to becoming a painted piece:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Turning Point

Today marked the first time that I have submitted some pieces of my work to a gallery.  This is something that I've wanted to do for a long time, and I'm so thrilled that I actually followed through (finally) and sent out the submission.  It's not even what ends up happening, whether I get accepted or not, it's the fact that I actually submitted something that makes this such a turning point for me.  It's such a huge relief to have that first submission out there & I know it will only prove to inspire me!  Since one of my main reasons for starting and keeping this blog updated as often as possible was to include all things pertaining to my art, I decided that I should include this.  I'll make sure to post when I know the outcome of my submission.

Monday, January 18, 2010

"Strength's" first Born...

Here is the first piece I did while under the influence of my new inspiration...  (All apologies for the poor photo quality)

"Sister of Whimsy", 2009, Acrylic & Mixed Media on Illustration Board, 17"x23"(framed)

Banner Close-Up

Face Close-Up

Close-up of her stitches (don't worry, they don't hurt :)

Close-Up of Sister of Whimsy's Skellie

There are some things I'd change & some parts I'd like to add more to, however, all in all this piece was so fun to create.  And that's what matters most I believe, loving what you are creating & having fun while you are doing it!!!  I absolutely love mixed media, and in this piece I got to use my paintings & crafting abilities.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Strength from the Past...

I meant to add this sooner as to keep with my goal of updating daily, but right now it seems to be a weekly update.  I guess that's why it's called a "goal" though, so that way you can work up to it!  On to the point...

This past fall I randomly came across a drawing from the past.  I had almost forgotten about "her", until the corner of the paper gently peeked out from amidst a pile of sketches & scrap paper.  I tugged on the corner and out came "Strength".  A simple line drawing that I had very appropriately, though not at the time realizing, titled "Strength" laid before me... 

It brought a smile to my face remembering how much I had loved this character could I have forgotten I wondered?  That didn't matter now as I immediately knew she would serve to be the inspiration for an entirely new world that I would begin creating.  Every creature, or "creepation" as I fondly refer to them as, stem from her.  Almost as if each of these creepations are one of her children & I am simply the hand bringing them into this world for her.  The world that I began to imagine is based on two main principles: symbiotic relationships & things are not always as they seem.  I wrote an entire base storyline for this world which I may post at a later date.  Right now, I just wanted to get the main points across.  Simply put, the malevolent looking are actually quite benevolent beings.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Prologue of Sorts...

I've always really enjoyed it when books start with a prologue.  I wanted to find a way in which to do something similar with my first posts of my creations.  Since a prologue is an introduction, the answer became clear.  What could be a better way to introduce myself than to post pics of some of the first pieces in which I began to see "myself" truly begin to emerge in my work.  I hope you enjoy them as much I enjoyed creating them!!!

"Lucie", 2008, Acrylic on Illustration Board, 10"x7.5"

"Isabelle", 2008, Acrylic on Illustration Board, 10"x7.5"

"Wish", 2008, Acrylic on Illustration Board, 10"x7.5"

"Blue Dawn", 2008, Acrylic on Illustration Board, 10"x7.5"

"Blue Twilight", 2008, Acrylic on Illustration Board, 10"x7.5"

"In Pieces You Have Me", 2008, Acrylic & Mixed Media on Illustration Board, 11"x17"

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year

My reason for creating this blog is to chronicle everything and anything that happens in regards to my creative/artistic life.  I'd like to think of it as sort of an online sketchbook/journal.  A way for me to look back upon what I have been doing throughout the year & keep inspired by watching myself grow.  I will be posting as often as possible, with my goal being a daily update.  I will post pics of all projects that I'm working on, as well as updates as to how things are going in my creative/artistic life.   I also truly hope that if anyone out there stumbles upon this blog they too will find some inspiration!!!